Ralph Hocking founded Experimental Television Center as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 1971, an outgrowth of a media access program he established at Binghamton University in 1969.
In continuous operation for over fifty years, the Center continues to provide support and services to the media arts community.
Our Mission
- To encourage the creation of work using new electronic media technologies
- To honor our independently created moving-image heritage by initiating projects and participating in partnerships which address the needs for research, education and preservation, and place independent works within a larger cultural context
- To advocate for the sharing and equitable and transparent distribution of information, research and art
Video History and Preservation
Experimental Television Center: 1969 – 2009 (runtime: 19 hours) is an anthology of video art works created in our Residency Program. LUX, the influential arts organization in London, UK, named it as one of 50 essential moving-image DVDs in publication.
The Center’s extensive media arts archive is currently housed in the Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University.
For decades the studio was located in Owego, a small village in upstate New York. In 2021, Experimental Television Center announced its relocation to Atlanta, Georgia.

Erik Gavriluk, CEO
Jeffrey Price, CFO
Mark Malamud, Vice President
Peer Bode, Advisor
Dave Jones, Systems Consultant
Hank Rudolph, Technical Advisor
Dave Sieg, Archivist
Neil Zusman, Archivist
Ralph Hocking, Founder & Managing Director
Sherry Miller Hocking, Assistant Director