
Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is M  [Clear All Filters]
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Messier, Paul. Media Alliance Preservation Survey. NY, NY: Media Alliance, 1997.
Merrill, John C., and Ralph L. Lowenstein. Media, Message and Men: New Perspectives in Communications. New York and London: Longman, 1979.
Meredith, Suzanne. "Owego TV Pioneer Getting Arts Award." Press & Sun Bulletin (1989).
Meredith, Suzanne. "Hidden Treasure - 3 Flights Up." Press & Sun Belletin (2005).
Melville, Stephen. "How Should Acconci Count for Us? Notes on a Retrospect." October, no. 18 (1981).
Mellencamp, Patricia. "Uncanny Feminism: The Exquisite Corpses of Cecelia Condit." Afterimage 14, no. 2 (1986).
Mellencamp, Patricia. "Postmodern TV: Wegman and Smith." Afterimage 13, no. 5 (1985).
Mellencamp, Patricia. "Avant-Garde TV: Simulation and Surveillance." Video (1986).
Mella, Leanne. Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents: On Television. New York, NY: The New York State Council on the Arts, 1994.
Mekas, Jonas. Movie Journal. NY: Collier Books, 1972.
Meigh-Andrews, Chris. "Peter Donebauer, Richard Monkhouse and the Development of the EMS Spectron and the Videokalos Image Processor." Leonardo 40, no. 5 (2007): 463-467.
Meigh-Andrews, Chris. A History of Video Art. Oxford-New York,: BERG, 2006.
VideoFest '89. Berlin, Germany: MedienOperative, 1989.
Electronic Arts: October 1977.. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/ Buffalo, 1977.
Design / Electronic Arts Poster. Buffalo, NY: Media Study Buffalo, 1977.
Electronic Arts Series: January - May 1977. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo, 1977.
Nuts and Volts. May 5-7, 1975. Festival of lectures and demonstrations by Harald Bode, Tom Constanten, Joel Chadabe, Steve Rutt, Steina Vasulka, Woody Vasulka, Ralph Hocking, Walter Wright, Don McArthur, Robert Moog, Lejaren Hiller., 1975.
Video Performance by Walter Wright with the Paik Abe Video Synthesizer. April 5, 1974. Poster., 1974.
"Feedback:Feedforward An Open Letter from the Media Equipment Pool (1971)." Feedback:Feedforward (1971).
Media Alliance. the edge of television in the New Video Theatre Felt Forum at Video Expo Madison Square Garden October 20-22.. New York, NY: Media Alliance, 1985.
Media Alliance 1985 Annual Conference. New York, NY: The Kitchen, 1985.
McPherson, Tara. Christiane Robbins interviewed by Tara McPherson., 2001.
McMullin, Dan. "Interview with Kathy Huffman." Artists News 4, no. 2 (1989).
McLuhan, Marshall, and Quentin Fiore. War and Peace in the Global Village. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1968.
McLuhan, Marshall. Verbo-Voco-Visual Explorations. NY: Something Else Press, 1967.
McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962.
McIntosh Quick Reference for Audio Compensator C-108; C-104. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh MC-30 Instruction Manual. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1960.
McIntosh Product Catalog includes Models: Mac 1900, Mac 1700 Receivers; Loudspeakers ML 1C, ML 2C, ML 4C, L 3 C, ML 2 M, ML 4 M, L 3 M; C 26, C 28 Preamplifiers; MI 3 Maximum Performance Indicator; Tuners MR 78, MR 77, MR 74; Tuner-Preamplifiers MX 113, M. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
